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Privacy Policy / Persónuverndarstefna SportLinks

Effective Date: 1.febrúar 2025

Company Name: SportLinks

Location: Reykjavík, Iceland


1. General


SportLinks (hereinafter referred to as (“the Company”) is committed to ensuring the protection of personal data and that its processing complies with applicable laws and regulations, particularly Act No. 90/2018 on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


This Privacy Policy applies to the collection and processing of personal data in relation to SportLinks’ communication and business relationships with its clients. Its purpose is to inform clients about the types of personal data collected, how they are processed, and for what purposes.

2. What Personal Data is Collected?


SportLinks processes the following personal data of its clients:

 - Name

 - Email address

 - Phone number

 - ID number (Kennitala)

 - Payment information

3. Where Do Personal Data Come From?


Personal data is obtained directly from clients when they provide the information in connection with the services offered by SportLinks.

4. Purpose of Data Processing


SportLinks processes personal data for the purpose of providing the agreed-upon services to clients. This processing is necessary to:

 - Communicate with clients.

 - Assist in contract drafting and review.

 - Provide legal consultation on sports-related matters.

 - Issue invoices and process payments.


The processing is based on the necessity of fulfilling service agreements between SportLinks and its clients.

5. How Are Personal Data Stored and Protected?


SportLinks ensures the secure storage of personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

 - Technical and organizational measures have been implemented to protect personal data from unauthorized access, alterations, or deletion.

 - Only employees who require access to perform their duties are authorized to access the data.

6. How Long Are Personal Data Retained?


Personal data are stored for the duration of the business relationship. After its termination, data are deleted unless otherwise required by law.

7. Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties


SportLinks does not share personal data with third parties.


8. Rights of Data Subjects


Clients have the right to:

 - Receive information about what personal data SportLinks processes about them.

 - Request a copy of their personal data.

 - Correct or update inaccurate or incomplete information.

 - Request deletion of personal data, provided certain legal conditions are met.

 - Restrict the processing of personal data in specific cases.


Requests to exercise these rights should be sent to

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy


SportLinks reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy as necessary. If significant changes are made, clients will be notified.


This policy was established on February 1, 2025.


1. Almennt

SportLinks (hér eftir félagið) leggur ríka áherslu á að tryggja vernd persónuupplýsinga og að vinnsla þeirra sé í samræmi við gildandi lög og reglur, einkum  lög nr. 90/2018 um persónuvernd og vinnslu persónuupplýsinga og almennu persónuverndarreglugerðina (GDPR).


Persónuverndarstefna þessi gildir um söfnun og vinnslu persónuupplýsinga á tengslum við samskipti og viðskiptasamband SportLinks við viðskiptavini sína. Markmið hennar er að upplýsa viðskiptavini um hvaða persónuupplýsingum er safnað, hvernig þær eru unnar og í hvaða tilgangi.


2. Hvaða persónuupplýsingum er safnað?

SportLinks vinnur með eftirfarandi persónuupplýsingar um viðskiptavini sína:

 - Nafn

 - Netfang

 - Símanúmer

 - Kennitala

 - Greiðsluupplýsingar


3. Hvaðan koma persónuupplýsingarnar?


persónuupplýsingar eru eingöngu fengnar beint frá viðskiptavinum þegar þeir veita þær í tengslum við þá þjónustu sem SportLinks veitir.


4. Í hvaða tilgangi eru persónuupplýsingar unnar?


SportLinks vinnur persónuupplýsingar í­ þeim tilgangi að veita þá þjónustu sem samið hefur verið um við viðskiptavini. Vinnslan er nauðsynleg til að:

 - Hafa samskipti við viðskiptavini

 - Aðstoða við samningsgerð og yfirfara samninga

 - Veita ráðgjöf um lögfræðileg álitaefni tengd íþróttum 

 - Útbúa reikninga og vinna úr greiðslum

Vinnslan byggir á nauðsyn þess að efna samninga um þjónustu milli SportLinks og viðskiptavina 


5. Hvernig eru persónuupplýsingar varðveittar og verndaðar?


SportLinks tryggir örugga varðveislu persónuupplýsinga í samræmi við gildandi lög og reglugerðir.

 - Gerðar hafa verið tæknilegar og skipulagslegar ráðstafanir til að vernda persónuupplýsingar gegn óheimilum aðgangi, breytingum eða eyðingu.

 - Aðeins starfsmenn sem nauðsynlega þurfa aðgang að upplýsingum til að veita þjónustu hafa heimild til þess.


6. Hve lengi eru persónuupplýsingar geymdar?


persónuupplýsingar eru varðveittar á meðan viðskiptasambandið varir. Að því­ loknu eru þeim eytt nema lög krefjist annars.


7. Miðlun persónuupplýsinga til þriðja aðila

SportLinks miðlar ekki persónuupplýsingum til þriðja aðila.


8. Réttindi skráðra einstaklinga


Viðskiptavinir eiga rétt á að:

 - Fá upplýsingar um hvaða persónuupplýsingar SportLinks vinnur um þá

 - Fá afrit af sínum persónuupplýsingum

 - Leiðrétta eða uppfæra rangar eða ófullnægjandi upplýsingar

 - Krefjast eyðingar persónuupplýsinga, að ákveðum lagalegum skilyrðum uppfylltum

 - Takmarka vinnslu persónuupplýsinga í ákveðnum tilfellum


Óskir um að nýta þessi réttindi skal senda á


9. Breytingar á persónuverndarstefnu


SportLinks áskilur sér rétt til að breyta persónuverndarstefnunni ef þörf krefur. Ef um veigamiklar breytingar er að ræða verður viðskiptavinum gert viðvart. 


Stefnan var sett þann 1. Febrúar 2025.

Use of Cookies and Analytics Services


SportLinks Consulting uses cookies, which are small text files stored on a user’s computer. Cookies are used to store information such as whether a user has previously visited the site, how long they stayed on the site, and from which website they arrived. Some cookies may contain personal information.


Users of the website can adjust their browser settings to receive notifications about cookies or to block them entirely. SportLinks Consulting uses cookies to analyze general website usage. The purpose of this is to improve the website and enhance the services provided to users.


SportLinks Consulting uses Google Analytics for website measurement and analytics. When a user visits the website, certain data is recorded, such as the time and date, search terms used, the referring website, and the type of browser and operating system. These details help with website improvements and development. The processing of information collected via Google cookies is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy.


On web forms where users can submit information, we have implemented an automated spam protection service, known as Google reCAPTCHA. Users may notice this feature when asked to complete tasks that are difficult for automated bots to solve.


reCAPTCHA collects browser and usage data to determine whether the visitor is a human or an automated system. This function falls under data protection laws, but the information sent to Google is anonymized and does not contain any data entered into the form.


These protections are necessary to maintain the security of form submissions on our website. If users do not wish to engage with reCAPTCHA, they may instead contact us via email.


Additionally, SportLinks Consulting uses Siteimprove, a service similar to Google Analytics, to track website visits and detect broken links.


For more details on how we use cookies and analytics, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Use of Cookies and Analytics Services

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